Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Not buying the Sindo anymore

In the end it was an easy decision to make, helped in no small part by having access to the Sunday Business Post last weekend, the comparison was inevitable. We do love reading our Sunday newspapers and the kids are trained to tip-toe around us in the morning while we digest the news. Funnily enough, if you asked us on Monday what we actually read, it's unlikely we'd be able to tell you anything and any great detail.

The fact of the matter is the Sunday Independent (Sindo), is now only successful because it has a high readership. The page after page of adverts for multiples proves this, the money follows the readership figures, and that's all what it's about.

The sad demise of Alan Ruddock certainly doesn't help in terms of stories or content. The big beast is now confused, it knows it has to reflect the mass of readers who can't stand the government or its policies and therefore promotes the collective outrage, because it has to remain popular. And yet it still wants to remain truthful to its FF leanings, and therefore continues to use patriots like Larkin and O'Dea to push a friendly sanctuary all hoping for a return to favourable opinion polls, where it can then go back to its normal full-on support.

We don't need this as a country, in fact, the Sindo is a direct reflection of our country and its politics. Too big to fail? That's the Sindo. Lazy dogma and ideas thrown in with no great attention to detail or consequences? That's the Sindo. Relying on a rump of support in its rural strongholds? That's the Sindo. Like FF, the Sindo doesn't understand the necessity for statesmen rather than politicians, it is a rural backwater of gombeen relationships sprinkled with Benny-Hill moments to try and keep its readership numbers maximised.

Will people cop-on and consign this rag to the dustbin? Sadly, unlikely to happen in my time, no matter how long that might be. But even the longest journey has to start with the first step, and in this instance, I'm taking mine next Sunday.....

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